Featuring Non-profits on our blog

We would want this website just not limited to speak about us but also would want to make it impactful to the community. As we are aware, internet is a powerful tool to create awareness. There are a lot of non-profit organizations doing a wonderful work to support several causes; so we would want to help them get a bit more visibility.

What we do is each month profile an organization with their information, photographs, our experiences (if any), testimonies about the organization, way to help them etc.,

How do we get the information? we will write about a few organizations that we personally know of and organizations could also send in their information to us by 20th of every month if they would like to get featured. Please note that we reserve the right to reject any request for profiling and there shall be no communications entertained.

We would want to launch this on May 1st, 2014 and as an inaugural profile, organizations can send in their info to us latest by 25th April, 2014, 17:00 Hrs (IST).

Profiles with two good quality pictures can be send to hemavasu(at)hemavasu(dot)in.


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