The fortunate day in our lives! Met a highly educated person – Brahma Shri. Malladi Chandrasekhara Sastry garu
What could have been better than meeting 1000%+ respectable and educated person than us? Yes, on 19th May, 2015, we have met with the gift of Lord Saraswati, Brahma Shri. Malladi Chandrasekhara Sastry garu at his residence. Being at the age of 90, he spoke to us with a great energy and a awesome smile.
It was about 5 years ago, when we read his writings in daily news papers and listen to his program Dharma Sandehalu (Wise Questions) on television which was then anchored by popular news reader Shri. Shanti Swaroop. It was then when I felt we should meet Shri. Sastry Ji someday; but under the impression he might be too busy and would not be willing to meet us. Moreover, we don’t have anything that we can discuss with him.
Recently our Guruji Shri. Rajasekhar garu gave us a book titled Pakalapati Guruvu Garu (Telugu) written by Sai master Shri. Ekkirala Bharadwaja garu, where Shri. Bharadwaja met with several auspicious people without worrying about struggles that comes in his way including staying under tree for a few nights etc.,
That inspired us to go and meet Shri. Sastry Ji. We didn’t know his address not couldn’t find his phone number over the internet. Found address from my uncle Shri. Ganti Marthanda Sharma garu as he visited him during his journalist life. So we decided to go and check our luck. We have reached by around 11 in the morning and learnt Shri. Sastry Ji is performing his daily Puja and that would go on till 1 pm. In general, it would be good to meet him post 4pm. So we came back and went again next day evening at 5 pm. Learnt that he just left for a SVBC recording and may come back by 8 pm. As advised by his family members, we have decided to go around and come back post 8 pm. Then we understand he got stuck in the traffic and may take some more time and they would call us as soon as he comes. At about 9pm we got a call saying Sastry Ji is arrived. We rushed to seek his blessings with a thought that he might just see us for a minute as he must have tired. For our pleasant surprise, in spite he travelled for about 50 kilometers and spent in his recordings at the age of 90, he received us with a big smile and spoke to us for nearly about 40 minutes. He inquired about my career, our daughter, our home towns. He remembers Hema;s home town (Tanuku) as he has some good friends there (very close to Hema’s parents house). He gave some cheer to our little one and said she will have a bright future.
We took his leave at about 9:45 and return home with all happiness.
We are really grateful to him and our Guruji. It was a memorable day in our lives.