Tribute to Padmashri Dr. K Vishwanath

Padmashri. Dr. K Vishwanath (born in 1930) has passed away last night at the age of 93. He has made movies in Telugu that are inspiring and add value to a human life.

It’s good to see many people from film and political industry are talking great things about Dr. Vishwanath; while all of those things are known to everyone, what is important is Film makers of today revisit the topics that they are producing and get back to the mode of producing movies that inspire and send positive messaging to the world. The real tribute to Kalatapaswi is not to just say a few words in from of television channels, but put in efforts to continue his great contributions and walk in the path he has created.

May his soul be blessed by Lord Shiva. Om Shanthi.

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