Greetings on Bhogi festival – 1st day of Samkranti

Bhogi is the first day of Samkranti festival. In southern part of India, specially, in Andhra Pradesh, this is well celebrated festival.

Day starts with Bhogi mantalu (borne fire), where items that are no longer used are burnt. Traditionally, most things used to be made out of wood so it was relevant to dispose very old items and those cannot be used at all are kept to burn. While this is a physical benefit to get rid of old items, there is a spiritual and psyochological reason behind it. The way we get rid of old items by putting them to fire, we should put all our evils and egos to fire and start a peaceful life.

May us all celebrate this festival with joy and get rid of all our evils and egos. May we live a supportive and successful life ahead. Greatings to each one of you and your families on this auspecious occasion. May Goddess grant you all that you deserve.

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